Entrance Blocker (door Blocker)

Entrance Blocker (Door Blocker)

1500.00 2000.00

Block inauspicious door/entry in any property


Door Blocking is now easy like never before. No matter where the inauspicious door/entry in your property you can now block it with this easy and powerful remedy.

All you have to do is to place this device on the floor near the door frame as shown in the picture here. You have to apply it on the right-hand side of the door frame when you are standing inside your property. This is demonstrated in the following figures.

Now you don’t have to apply colorful tapes and make the entrance of your property look ugly. Neither you have to drill in the costly flooring of your property to insert the metal strips.

Just peel the Strong Glue sticker and apply as directed. You can immediately verify it with your scanning and dowsing devises.